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Important COVID Information:


If your child tests positive for Covid-19, please see the following:

If your student tested positive for COVID-19, Please complete this form for each of your children (who attend an MISD school) who have tested + for COVID 19 as soon as possible:  MISD Student Confirmed COVID-19 FORM (2022-2023)

  1. Email your child's school nurse to notify of Covid positive test. SJ Nurse:
  2. Email the attendance clerk a picture of the positive MD note or at home Covid test.  Please make sure your child's name, date of birth, and date the test was done are written on the at home test. The attendance clerk's email is

COVID Positive Guidelines for return to school for your child:

CDC Close Contact Guidelines

  1. Your child must stay home to isolate for a minimum of 5 days from symptom onset or positive test. The 1st day of symptoms, or (if has no symptoms) the day your child tests positive is “Day 0.”
  2. They can return on “Day 6” if they’re symptoms have improved and they have been Fever/Vomit/Diarrhea free without the use of medications for 24 hours prior to returning to school.
  3. Wearing a mask when returning to school for days 6-10 is strongly encouraged.

Close Contact Guidelines:

  1. If your child has had close contact to a person that is actively positive for Covid-19 and:
    1. They DO have symptoms of illness:
      1. Stay home and get tested for Covid.
    2. They DO NOT have symptoms of illness:
      1. They can come to school. (Wearing a mask is encouraged)




Vaccine Information for K-12 Texas Schools:

Texas State Vaccine Requirements for Students Grades K-12

Required Vaccines your child must have prior to starting 7th Grade: TDap & Meningitis

TDap and Meningitis vaccines can be given as early as 11 years of age. Once your child receives these, please send a copy of the record to the school nurse.


Where can I get my child’s vaccinations? 

***Please call ahead to get information about insurance, cost, and vaccine availability. Call store pharmacies in advance as not all pharmacies can administer vaccines without a prescription from an MD.

Your child’s healthcare provider 

Community Children’s Clinic (432-686-8593) 

o By appointment only

o Uninsured

o Income based


Walgreens Pharmacy 


CVS Pharmacy  and Minute Clinic


United and Market Street Pharmacies 


HEB Pharmacy 


Midland Health Department (432-681-7613) 

o By appointment only

o Medicaid or uninsured

Ector County Health Department (432-498-4141) 

o By appointment only 

o Medicaid or uninsured  

Andrews Health Department (432-524-1434)

o By appointment only most days. Call in advance to check walk-in availability.

o Medicaid or uninsured only 





Rules for Mediations on Campus:

  • Students are not allowed to carry any form of medication on their person, or in their backpack, with only 2 exceptions that require MD Signed Self Carry Forms.
  • Students cannot carry any form of: vitamins, supplements, homeopathic medications, or essential oils on their person or in their backpack.
    • These items are also not eligible to be kept in the nurse clinic for your child. They must be kept at home.
  • Any FDA regulated medication you would like to keep for your child in the Nurse’s Clinic must:
    • Be in the original box or bottle.
    • Not be expired.
    • Have a Medication Permission Form that is signed by a parent/legal guardian and given to the nurse. You can fill out this form when dropping off the medication for your child with the nurse.

**If your child needs to carry their prescribed Asthma Inhaler or Epi Pen on their person, you must have an MISD Self-Carry Permission Form signed by the doctor each school year. Your School Nurse can give you this form upon request, or you can print them from the MISD Health Services Forms Link below.

Click link for the following Health Forms: MISD Health Services Forms

  • Medication Permission Form (English)
  • Forma para dar permiso de medicamento
  • Asthma Action Plan
  • Seizure Action Plan
  • Severe Food Allergy Action Plan
  • Severe Insect Allergy Action Plan
  • Physician Permission for Student to Carry and Self-Administer Asthma Medication
  • Physician Permission for Student to Carry and Self-Administer Epinephrine Injector